Chairman of the NATO Military Committee to deliver a keynote speech at Future Forces Forum
We are delighted to announce that General Petr Pavel, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, confirmed his participation in Future Forces Forum. General Pavel will deliver a keynote speech on 19 October. We deeply appreciate this significant participation, which emphasizes the importance of cooperation between Future Force Forum, NATO and allied countries to ensure defence and security at the national and international level. General Pavel joins other leading officials who have already confirmed their involvement in Future Forces Forum 2016.
According to General Pavel, Future Forces is a type of event that primarily focuses on seeking practical and real answers to future challenges. The bottom line is to create an inspiring space, which the event has truly managed to deliver.
“Thanks to the project, Prague became one of the hubs for representatives of the international security community – businesses, military, politicians and experts – to meet and interact on high specialist level. The military always benefit from such collaborative efforts, no matter whether they generate improved weapon systems, communications, surveillance technology, new camouflage systems, ballistic protection, defence against weapons of mass destruction, medical equipment or seemingly simple, but indispensable and perfectly functional buckles on our harness. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that you never know what technology will help save your life, enable mission accomplishment or provide security and stability in the world. Indeed, in today’s globalised world interconnected in many layers and strands, any nations’ compass of possibilities is critically limited without intensive cooperation. That involves multifaceted and multilayered cooperation – among nations, armed forces, security community and businesses,” said General Pavel about Future Forces.
General Pavel was appointed Chairman of the NATO Military Committee on 26 June 2015.
From July 2012 to May 2015 General Petr Pavel served as Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, the highest ranking officer in the Czech Army and the principal military adviser to the Czech Government. In September 2014, General Pavel was elected Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.
General Pavel graduated from the Army College in Vyškov, Czech Republic in 1983 and since then has spent a large part of his military career holding positions in Special Forces, Operations and Intelligence divisions. Throughout his career, General Pavel has held a range of positions from Deputy Military and Air Attaché of the Czech Republic in Belgium to Commander Special Forces to Deputy Director Operations Division at the Ministry of Defence,
In addition, General Pavel has also held his share of positions in International and National joint staffs representing the Czech Armed Forces as the National Military Representative to the US Central Command, as well as National Military Representative of the Czech Republic to SHAPE in Mons, Belgium.
Furthering his education in the United Kingdom, General Pavel has studied at the Staff College, Camberley, the Royal College of Defence Studies, London and obtained an M.A. in International Relations from King's College, London.
Service career:
1983-1985 Special purpose airborne reconnaissance platoon leader
1985-1991 Commander, special purpose airborne reconnaissance company
1991-1993 Military Intelligence Officer
1993-1994 Deputy Military and Air Attaché of the Czech Republic in Belgium
1994-1996 Military Intelligence Officer
1996-1997 Aide-de-camp to the Director of Military Intelligence
1997-1999 Commander, Special Forces Brigade
1999-2002 Aide-de-camp to the Director of Operations, RC North, Brunssum, the Netherlands
2002 Deputy Commander, Mechanised Division
1 Dec 2002 Promoted Brigadier-General
2002-2003 Commander of Special Forces
Jan-Apr 2003 National Military Representative in US CENTCOM, Tampa, U.S.A. and in US CENTCOM Forward, Qatar
2003-2005 Deputy Joint Force Commander
2006-2007 Deputy Director MoD Operations Division – Director of Operations Branch
2007-2009 Deputy Military Representative of the Czech Republic to the EU, Brussels, Belgium
8 May 2010 Promoted Major-General
1 Jul 2011 Deputy Chief of the General Staff – Chief of Staff
8 May 2012 Promoted Lieutenant-General
1 Jul 2012 Chief of the General Staff
8 May 2014 Promoted General
20 Sep 2014 Elected as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
Decorations and Awards:
- Czech Armed Forces medal, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class
- Cross of Merit of the Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic 2nd & 3rd Class
- Service Abroad Medal of the Minister of Defence ”Kuvajt” 3rd Class
- Service Abroad Medal of the Minister of Defence ”Bojová mise” 3rd Class
- ”Service for Peace” badge
- French War Cross with Bronze Star
- French Order of the Legion of Honour
- State Award of the Czech Republic – Medal for Heroism
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