Strengthening our Team: Future Forces Forum Welcomes Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jaromír Zůna
We are honored to announce that Lieutenant General (Ret.) Jaromír Zůna, has officially joined the Future Forces Forum team!
With a distinguished career spanning over four decades in the Czech Armed Forces and NATO structures, General Zůna brings invaluable expertise in defense strategy, international military cooperation, and security policy.
- - Former First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces
- - Senior NATO leadership roles, including Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander at NATO’s Joint Force Training Centre
- - Key architect of military logistics and operational strategy
- - Deep expertise in interoperability, multinational training, and defense modernization
His leadership will further strengthen Future Forces Forum as a premier platform for global defense and security collaboration, bringing together NATO, EU partners, and industry leaders to shape the future of defense.
With General Zůna on board, we look forward to enhancing strategic dialogue, fostering innovation, and supporting defense forces in tackling emerging security challenges.
Generálporučík (v.v.) Jaromír Zůna posiluje tým FFF
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