OPTOKON becomes Gold Partner of the C4ISTAR Panel
Company OPTOKON has developed a complete solution of C4ISR system, which is dedicated to providing C2 services from squadron level up to battalion level. This system enables the full interoperability of radio stations, other communication technologies, as well as C4ISR systems with other NATO member armed forces.

Optokon a.s. and Optokon Kable s.r.o. will at the FFF present a light mobile computing platform for combat vehicles, field IP telephony systems developed for the needs of field hardened systems, optical connectors for harsh environment conditions and multipurpose, durable tactical cable suitable for use not only in extreme military applications, but also in various civil applications, temporary installation of critical communication lines where quick retrieval and re-use is required, especially in heavy industries, mining, and various mobile applications, etc.
Company Optokon will present its capabilities within the FFISC C4ISTAR Panel and will display its portfolio at Future Forces Exhibition, hall 3 stand 350.
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