Zoltan Bubenik
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the World CBRN & Medical Congress as a part of Future Forces Forum 2018. This unique combination of two separate but logically connected events under the umbrella of one activity I suppose bring a very similar outcomes - necessity of the civil-military cooperation to have the common and effective approach.
Based upon our experiences and possitive feedback from 2016 we adopted a schedule of this Congress and we will have a common panel discussion with the Medical, CBRN and other experts during the first part of congress. Later we will hold two separate conferences with some similar topics, but from the other hand we try to allow to attend the experts both of conferences.
The world around us is dramatically changing, unpredictable events can occur in our daily life. Time to distinguish between the military or civilian environment is gone. So there is one solution - cooperate, coordinate our activities to deal with non-typical events in comparison with our experiences as mass migration, hybrid warfare, infectious diseases outbreaks etc. Proactive countermeasures are requested more than defensive approach. Moreover, the changes of the environement are demanding more sofisticated approach using innovation trends in medicine connected with new techniques, materials or specific devices.
I am personally delighted to welcome at this event a very strongly cooperating MilMED CoE from Budapest, Hungary, which will run a Medical Concept Developement, Experimentation, Innovation and Technology Implementation workshop. This event I hope can bridge over two pillars of the Medical Conference - the presented topics and exhibition of the medical companies as a result of innovative trends.
I wish all of you a nice stay in our beutiful capitol, fruitfull Congress and Conferences and I am looking forward to meet you all
BG Zoltan Bubenik
Chairman World CBRN & Medical Congress