The biggest convention of soldier systems experts, Special Forces and law enforcement
takes place this October in Prague within Future Forces Forum.

- Combat Clothing, Individual Equipment & Protection
- Load-carrying Systems
- Small Arms and Ammunition
- C4I and Systems Architecture
- Weapons & Sensors
- Power Connectivity
- Optics and Sensors
- Non-lethal Capabilities
- Head-borne Systems
- Integrated Personal Protection
- Dismounted Battlefield Combat ID and Markings, etc.
to achieve interoperability and operational effectiveness.

- Project Managers of national soldier modernization programmes
- Armed forces, special forces, police, prison service, and other security forces
- National and international organizations – NATO Land Capability Group on Dismounted Soldier Systems, European Defence Agency, US Army NATICK Soldier Systems, etc.
- Decision makers, standardization staff, commanders, users, buyers, manufacturers, traders, and other stakeholders
- Officially invited speakers for FSSC by the Czech Ministry of Defence
- NATO expert working groups
- GEN Petr Pavel, M.A., Chairman, NATO Military Committee
- H.E. Martin Stropnický, Minister of Defence, CZE
- Mr. Tomáš Kuchta, Deputy Minister of Defence, Head of the Industrial Cooperation and Organisations Management Division, CZE
- Mr. Jiří Hynek, President and Executive Director, Defence and Security Industry Association, CZE
- BG Pavel Adam, Director of the Division of Capabilities Development and Planning, General Staff of ACR, CZE
- BG Thomas H. Todd III, Commanding General, NATICK, Soldier Systems; Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering (ARDEC)
- Mr. Mark Richter, Chairman, NATO AC/225 LCG DSS
- MAJ Magnus Hallberg, Land Warfare Centre, PM Soldier Equipment, Swedish Armed Forces; Vice-Chairman, NATO AC/225 LCG DSS
- Mr. Wolfgang Rudischhauser, Director, NATO Weapons of Mass Destruction Non-Proliferation Centre
- Dr. Darren J. Browning, Chairman, NATO AC/225 LCG DSS Power (Soldier Power Team of Experts)
- Mr. Russell Jonathan, Chairman, NATO AC/225 LCG DSS HBS (Head Borne Systems Team of Experts)
- Mr. Marek Kalbarczyk, Project Officer Land Systems Technologies, European Defence Agency (EDA)
- Deliver a presentation within the official NATO expert groups sessions
- Discuss lessons learned, future needs, and business opportunities with high level officers and decision makers
- Present latest technologies and solutions, R&D projects, and capabilities within exhibition and specialized events
- Meet in person with leading decision makers and experts from military, law enforcement and civil organizations

- MG Trond R. Karlsen, Director, Logistics and Resources Division, NATO International Military Staff (IMS)
- LTG Jiří Baloun, Ph.D., MSc., First Deputy Chief of the General Staff, CZE
- BG Jaromír Zůna, MoD Support Division Director, CZE
- Mr. Bruno Cantin, Head, Logistics Capabilities Section, Directorate for Defence Policy and Capabilities, NATO
- COL Laszló Csaba Tar, Head of Logistic Operations Branch, Multinational Logistic Coordination Centre (MLCC)
- Mr. Timo Koster, Director, Defence Policy and Capabilities, NATO IMS
- Mr. Cornelius Doraton, Director, CL13 and CL15 Evaluation Analysis and Reporting Cell (EARC); NATO International Standardization Program Representative
- MG Jean-Robert Bernier, Chairman, Committee of the Chiefs of Military Medical Services (COMEDS) in NATO
- MG (Ret.) Dr. Roger Van Hoof, Secretary General, International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM), BEL
- MG Jeffrey Clark, US Army Defense Health Agency, Healthcare Operations Director, USA
- BG Roman Hlinovský, Director of Fire Rescue Service of Capital of Prague, CZE
- COL Prof. Erwin Dhondt, Vice-president, National Council for Emergency Medical Care, Defence Staff, Department of Health & Well Being, BEL
- COL Zoltán Bubeník, Surgeon General, Director of Military Medical Agency, CZE
- COL Jiří Gajdoš, Director, NATO JCBRN Defence COE
- COL Karel Huleja, Chief of Chemical Corps ACR, CZE
- COL Prof. Dr. Horst Thiermann, Chief, Bundeswehr Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, DEU
- COL Zuzana Šinkorová, Head of Department of Radiobiology, Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defence, CZE
- COL Prof. Frederic Dorandeu, Ph.D., Chairman, NATO CBRN Med WG; Head of Toxicology Research Department, IRBA
- LTC Ladislava Navrátilová, Population Protection Institute, General Direcotrate, Fire Rescue Service, CZE
- Mr. Wolfgang Rudischhauser, Director, WMD Non-Proliferation Centre, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO
- Mr. Konstantin Volchek, Scientific Advisory Committee of the International Science and Technology Centre, CAN
- Mr. Steven A. Bland, Surgeon Commander, Royal Navy; Defence Specialist Advisor in CBRN Medicine, NATO CBRN Med WG
- Mr. Irakli Beridze, Senior Strategy and Policy Advisor, CBRN Risk Mitigation and Security Governance Programme, UN Interregional Crime and Justice Institute (UNICRI)
- Dr. Walter Gaber, Medical Director, Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, DEU
- MG John W. Charlton, Vice Director, Joint Force Development, J7 (Suffolk), USA
- Mr. Paul D. Rogers, Ph.D, Director, U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC)
- Mr. Berndt Körner, Deputy Executive Director, FRONTEX
- Prof. Agostino Bruzzone, Project Leader M&S, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO), Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Levedag, Head, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Flight Systems, DEU
- Mr. Giorgio Scappaticci, Programme Manager, NATO Support Agency (NSPA), Air and Land Combat Systems
- Prof. Noel Sharkey BA PhD. Dsc., Emeritus Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; Professor of Public Engagement, University of Sheffield; Chairman, International Committee for Robot Arms Control
- Mr. Paul Scharre - Fellow and Director for the 20YY Warfare Initiative, Center for a New American Security (CNAS), USA
- Dr. Earl W. Powers, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities (CETO)
- Prof. Ronald C. Arkin, Regents' Professor & Director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory; Associate Dean for Research & Space Planning, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Mr. David Grimes, President, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
- Mr. Ray Swider, Chairman, NATO Capability Panel 2 (Identification and Navigation)
- COL Jan Círek, Chief, Hydrometeorological Service, General Staff of ACR, CZE
- Mr. Radim Tolasz, Head of Climate Change Department, Czech Hydrometeorology Institute, CZE
- Prof. Dr-Ing Wolfgang Reinhardt, AGIS GI Research Group, Professorship of Geoinformatics, Depratment of Applied Computer Sciences, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, DEU
Industry and business providing security-related technologies and services will be able to demonstrate latest solutions, obtain valuable information, and, first and foremost, meet decision makers responsible for acquisitions and public contracts.
End users will have an opportunity to get acquainted with new products and trends in their respective fields and to consult with leading experts.
Experts will have a unique chance to acquire new information, consult fresh pieces of knowledge with their peers, or deliver a speech or lecture during the programme. If you need any information or assistance concerning your participation in the Future Forces Forum, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to our fruitful cooperation.
Team Future Forces Forum
