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Disruptive Technologies, Security & Defence Innovations Conference

Conference programme within the Innovation Pavilion at the Future Forces Exhibition

Innovative practices and implementation of disruptive technologies in defence and security are becoming increasingly important for building a safe and resilient society.

In addition to the Disruptive Technologies, Security and Defence Innovations Conference, innovation issues will be extended to other concurrent expert panels of the FUTURE FORCES FORUM (FFF) 2024, such as Future of Cyber Conference, Future C2 Conference, Future Land Forces Panel, CBRN & Medical Conference, Defence Interests in Space Panel, and others. Issues of education, commercialization of research results, knowledge transfer, funding, legislation, innovation management, etc. will be discussed.

Innovative technologies and solutions for security and defence application will be also widely presented within the Future Forces Exhibition, featuring over 320 exhibitors from 35 countries.


INTRO (National Focus)
09.15 – 09.30 h | Language: Czech
Summary of Development Since the Conference „Building Up the State: Innovation or Stagnation?“
Dr Pavel ŠTALMACH, MBA – Conference Chairman; Senior Fellow, Future Advanced Technologies Institute; Former First Deputy Minister of Defence
Mr. Tomáš PLUHAŘÍK – Expert in Cybersecurity and New Marketing; CEO CyWeTa, Indigi Labs and DLTG Fund

Main conclusions from the past Innovation Workshops – 5 most important problems identified:

PANEL #1 (National Focus)
09.30 – 10.45 h | Language: Czech
Creating and Implementing Innovations in Security and Defence – Czech National Perspective: Objectives, Resources, Next Steps

09.30 – 09.45 h KEYNOTE
Strategy for the Creation, Development and Implementation of Innovation
Mrs. Jitka ČAPKOVÁ, Ph.D., MBA – Product & Solution Manager, Czechoslovak Group / Retia

9.45 - 10.45 h PANEL DISCUSSION
BG Miroslav FEIX, M.S. – Director, Capabilities Planning Division of the Ministry of Defence
Mr. Jan MICHAL – General Director, CzechInvest – Business and Investment Development Agency
Dr Jiří HYNEK – President and Executive Director, Defence and Security Industry Association (AOBP)
Mr. Vojta ROČEK – Partner, Presto Tech Horizons
Mr. Daniel KOŠTOVAL – Security & Defence Advisor, Future Forces Forum; Former Deputy Minister of Defence
BG (Ret.) František MIČÁNEK, Ph.D. – Executive Director CEBES – CEVRO University; Former Dean, NATO Defense College

10.45 – 11.00 h COFFEE BREAK

PANEL #2 (International Focus)
11.00 – 12.00 h | Language: English
Creating and Implementing Innovations in Security and Defence – International Perspective

11.00 – 11.15 h KEYNOTE
Mr. Jiří ŠEDIVÝ M.A., Ph.D. – Chief Executive, European Defence Agency (EDA)

11.15 - 12.00 h PANEL DISCUSSION
Ms. Nathalie GUICHARD – Director for Research, Technology and Innovation, EDA
Dr Jakub LANDOVSKÝ, Ph.D. – Executive Director, Aspen Institute Central Europe; Former Czech Ambassador to the NATO
Mrs. Kristīne RUDZĪTE-STEJSKALA – Team Leader, EU Defence Innovation Scheme (EUDIS), EDF Implementation-Defence Technologies and Innovation, Defence Industry Directorate, DG DEFIS
Dr Rick MEESSEN – Principal Advisor Defence and Security, Applied Science and Technology Organisation (TNO)
Ms. Abigail DENBURG – Vice President of Global Growth & Strategy, INSITU – A Boeing Company
BG (Ret.) František MIČÁNEK, Ph.D. – Executive Director CEBES – CEVRO University; Former Dean, NATO Defense College


ADEF24 | Aerospace & Defense Conference | Innovations United
Language: English
Information about the second part of the conference is available at Startup Disrupt website: Aerospace & Defense Summit | Innovations United


Welcome to the "Disruptive Technologies, Security & Defence Innovations" conference, which is being prepared in cooperation between the Future Forces Forum, CEVRO University, Defence and Security Industry Association and other partners.

Innovations based on disruptive technologies are an increasingly important element of strategic management of anyone or anything.

Innovation in security and defence is not just an expensive luxury in the provision of national security and defence. It is simply a contemporary strategic and operational necessity. As the global strategic and security environment evolves, so must our approaches to national security and defence. This is true both nationally and internationally.

This conference aims to be a beacon to guide policymakers, practitioners and the public to understand new technologies and approaches, to seek new strategies and doctrines for their use in developing security and defence capabilities, and to create new forms of cooperation necessary to further protect and defend our nations and ensure our secure future.

In the rapidly evolving global environment, where security threats are constantly changing and becoming more complex, fast innovation is essential to maintain a technological edge over adversaries (this is also important to adequately deter them) and to effectively address emerging security challenges. However, the serious threats arising from the irresponsible use of new technologies and innovations based on them must also be perceived. In short, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable innovation efforts are vital today to maintain security, protect national interests and promote stability in an increasingly unpredictable world.

Pavel Štalmach

Dr. Pavel Štalmach, MBA
Conference Chairman and Guarantor
Future Advanced Technologies Institute 


INOVATION WORKSHOP II: Inovations in Defence and Security /22 May 2024/

INNOVATION WORKSHOP I: How to effectively transfer knowledge and technology? /17 April 2024/


Professor Lerner from Harvard University: State support for venture capital must be independent of political influence

Conference Recording:

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