20+ Working groups and expert teams confirmed

Future Forces Forum closely cooperates with relevant expert working groups from NATO, EDA and other international organisations. The members are actively involved in the expert programme, exhibition and other events which gives our exhibitors and partners an exceptional opportunity to personally discuss lessons learned and particular requirements for future military/security applications. Company presentations during official meetings are also available. Please contact us for more information about your prospective presentation.


Over 250 international experts, members of national acquisition systems and standardization offices from more than 28 NATO Allies and partner nations in the area of Dismounted Soldier Systems (DSS).

DSS experts cover:LCG DSS


NATO CBRN Medical Working Group was established under the Committee of the Chiefs of Military Medical Services in NATO (COMEDS) as a group responsible for standardization of all NATO activities dealing with the health protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
The internationally recognized experts in the medical area of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear issues from more than 15 NATO and non-NATO nations are actively working in this WG.

The main topics discussed:


MMMP Panel is established by the Committee of the Chiefs of Military Medical Services in NATO (COMEDS) to initiate and develop common principles, policies, doctrines, concepts, procedures, programmes and techniques for specialist advice to COMEDS and related to medical materiel, medical logistics and pharmacology in member nation’s armed forces.

The main tasks:


The mission of the MedCIS expert panel is to initiate and develop common principles, policies, doctrines, concepts, procedures, techniques, programmes and initiatives relevant to the use of medical communication and information systems within the NATO environment.

Main effort is focused on the NATO Standardization and implementation guides that provide oversight to medical information systems and includes Telemedicine/Teleconsultation activities to promote the interoperability of NATO forces.


The I-AMMO WG is established by the Military Committee Land Standardization Board (MCLSB) to initiate and develop standardization in order to enhance interoperability of NATO forces. To improve NATO interoperability, the I-AMMO WG advises the MCLSB and through the MCLSB the Military Committee on ammunition topics and issues. The WG reviews and recommends ammunition management concepts, and develops doctrine and tactics covering all of these areas from the tactical to the strategic levels, which are essential for current and future NATO operations.

The I-AMMO WG is responsible for the standardization of ammunition management data to further (enhance) the continued safe identification, storage, transportation, maintenance, testing, handling and use, including interchangeability of ammunition.

The I-AMMO WG is currently chaired by a representative of the U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (RDECOM ARDEC) and has 30 members.


Acts as NATO’s principal organization for science and technology research.

Defence Science and Technology (S&T), in the context of NATO, is defined as the selective and rigorous generation and application of state-of-the-art, validated knowledge for Defence and Security purposes. The term is broadly inclusive of the physical, engineering, information, human, medical and social sciences. 

NATO S&T is comprised of activities that contribute to the generation and exploitation of scientific knowledge and technological innovation, addressing the short-, medium- and long-term horizon. NATO S&T includes programmes and activities that Nations, NATO bodies and Partners elect to perform within the trusted NATO framework. NATO S&T serves the Security and Defence posture of the Nations and NATO, and supports the core tasks of the Alliance as set out in the Strategic Concept. The vast majority of NATO S&T work is funded directly by the Nations.


Experts in area of camouflage will take part in the Future Soldier Systems Conference.

CCDO experts cover:

Participating groups and expert teams:

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